feet · shoulder

Electric Bike Ride & Cali Chiropractors

Hello again!

I recently visited the LA area and decided to rent an electric bike for a few hours biking along the beach. Biking normally irritates my feet, so I was really looking forward to this and am considering buying one in the future. There’s a bike shop in Redondo Beach that has several models, so I tried the City Commuter. The City Commuter looks just like your typical bike and has a small battery pack on the back. What’s really cool about this particular model is that it has a pedal assist feature so that when you want to pedal, it gives you a bit of a boost. Or, you don’t need to pedal at all! AMAZING!  This particular model runs for about $3,000.

Also, I saw a chiropractor at a practice that specializes in shoulders and works with a lot of pro beach volleyball players. In just one treatment, I learned a ton about my shoulder pain and got relief. I could not believe it! The Doc explained everything to me very thoroughly, spent at least 30 minutes manually working out the trigger points, and even wrote a letter detailing his findings and suggestions. At the end of the treatment, he used Rock Tape on my upper back in the shape of a V, which seemed to help a bit. (This video shows a similar taping.) Basically, he said that the key was to strengthen the scapula stabilizers while also getting extensive manual work on the trigger points.

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